Figuring Out An Arcatype: Which Aracatype Are You?

 An exploration of character is important to open up all your hidden potential. You may have felt the presence of an “Arcatype” before during times of hardship and doubt. Pondering the reasons as to why you choose to persist with chasing your dreams can be just as important as actually planning how to achieve them. This is because it can be a source of motivation for you when you're losing your footing while on the way there. 

That’s the main reason why James Sheridan developed a revolutionary look into the reasons why a person would want to strive for success. The Arcatype theory is an evolution of already established ideas and allows us to peer deeper into our psyches. If self-awareness and a more detailed understanding of your mechanisms and faculties are what you're seeking, then this viewpoint may just help you discover your true self.

We’ll go through the process of finding out which arcatype are you and how you can bring out the potential within you. Keep reading and we’ll show you the different resources you can use to research this interesting topic.

Discovering What Drives Your Focus

During the development of the Arcatype theory, James had to look into the works of Carl Jung and Friedrich Nietzsche. Their discoveries in the field of psychoanalysis paved the way toward a better understanding of the human mind. One interesting finding was how a "collective unconsciousness" helped connect us with the drive of our ancestor's past. Inherited through the generations, these pre-existing forms of ours are what's currently known as "archetypes".

Moving towards our modern day, the Arcatype theory seeks to streamline and organize our understanding of our collective consciousness to better ourselves. It focuses on an ‘Arcatype’, a sort of template that’s ingrained within humans and helps to fuel our drive. Each arcatype can be shared with others as there could be around 14 types out there in the general population.

Knowing your Arcatype can bring you closer to a state of self-awareness. This, in turn, gives you the chance to tap into the insight and grant you more control over your conscious and unconscious state. Think of it as two halves that work best as a whole. With the combined capabilities of your mind and body, you become a temple fit to inherit the fruits of your dreams.

Sifting Through Your Personality For Your Arcatype

Now comes the question of “Which Arcatype Are You?”. This question comes with several difficulties that aren’t precisely unique to us. Look into the works of ancient philosophers and intellectuals and you’ll find that humankind has always been pondering upon its existence. Greeks paired us with Gods to achieve great things while Romans embraced the idea that “genius” can be inherent to individuals.

Couldn’t these pairings be another way of describing the relationship between the conscious and subconscious mind?

The key to improving one’s life is knowing why we get up every day. Knowing your life's purpose is essential when it comes to self-help as it gives our minds something to focus on. Many people in the modern day have seem to lost connection with their life's calling. So many focus on materialistic things that they forget that life isn't all about the glitz and glamour of city living.

When you’re finally at that point, you’ll come and ask yourself what the true meaning of everything is to you. That’s the perfect time for you to look into yourself and find the type of Arcatype that you have.

Finding Your Arcatype

Luckily, there are many sources online that can point you in the right direction when facing your Arcatype. You could do your studying and talk with others on the same path as you. You could also check out online classes and hear from those who have already found their Arcatype. All of these are accessible through our member’s forum and James’ Udemy course where he goes further into what makes Arcatypes so special.

Answering “Which Arcatype Are You?" can be a tough undertaking for those who haven't been focusing on themselves. For those sorts of cases, one-on-one consultations with James Sheridan may be the best course of action. Visit our official website for more details on how you can figure out the Arcatype category that you best fit in!


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